Outreach & Inreach Ministries
![]() The people of Ascension are passionate about their outreach
programs. They work together to help our extended family in Christ, both locally and regionally. The following is a sampling of the projects & ministries in which Ascension is involved:
Red Cross Blood Drive - We have held multiple blood drives for the past 5 years. Octorara Community Food Cupboard - We have donated thousands of pounds of food to the cupboard. A table in St. Joseph's Hall holds our donations that can be collected each week. http://www.octfood.com/ Furniture Ministry - Now run through the PCCO (Parkesburg Community Churches Outreach), parishioners & the community donate much needed furniture. Approximately 75 families were helped in the community with the furniture outreach over the last year. Furniture included washers, beds, dressers, air conditioners, tables, and chairs along with many other necessities. |
![]() School Supplies -
Items are collected during the month of August for distribution at the mobile food cupboard by Parkesburg Churches Community Outreach (PCCO.)http://parkesburgchurchescommunityoutreach.org/ Winter Coats – Coats are collected during the month of September to donate to the Parkesburg Churches Community Outreach (PCCO). Clothing Mission – Clothing is donated to Righteous Clothing, an outreach of the local Methodist Church, which makes goods available to needy families. ![]() Christmas Presents - Our
congregation participates in a major community drive to identify children in need, and to provide gifts specific for their interest, and/or age and size. Great effort is exerted in making each gift special. Donation of Meeting Space - Our St. Joseph’s Hall is the meeting location for Girl Scouts and Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as the Parkesburg Library, among other organizations. ![]() The Point - Dinner menus are created, cooked & served by members of the congregation at The Point on a quarterly basis. Help is also provided by other local parishes and monetary donations offset the cost of the food. After each meal a devotional time is shared by staff, church volunteers & students.
http://parkesburgpoint.com/ |