Education & Programs
We have an active adult Bible Study, the 'Discovery' Group, between the two services. Each Sunday they read study and discuss the Lectionary reading for that day’s service.
Lenten Madness, a program inspired by college basketball tournaments and sponsored by Forward Movement pits 32 saints against each other in a bracket, as each saint seeks to win the coveted Golden Halo. This program allows the congregation to learn a little history of the Church through the lives of these saints. Participants sign-up and receive daily emails to vote on each pair of saints. It's fun & educational! A 12 week Confirmation class led by lay leadership & clergy study and take in-depth look at the scriptures. Also, students examine the Episcopal church history and traditions. The participants of the class learn about the service and sacraments and study the Book of Common Prayer. Students are then confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Our newly formed Beloved Community Book Club meets Thursday nights. In our Baptismal Covenant (BCP p. 304), we vow to "respect the dignity of every human being" and to "seek and serve Christ, loving our neighbor as ourselves." These vows are not a one-time pledge, but a daily evaluation we should do with our actions, looking to see how the ways we interact with those around us both helps to create as well as hinders the formation of the Beloved Community that Jesus sought to build here on earth. This group reads a variety of books and meets to discuss how we can continue to follow through on our Baptismal Covenant. Join us at any time! |